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Celebrating Father's Day – The RT Edgar Way

Father’s Day is the day we celebrate our Dads and all they do for us. This Sunday, RT Edgar’s legions of Real Estate Dads will be treasuring hand-made cards, new socks, and breakfasts-in-bed, but most of all, they’ll cherish the time spent with their families and the opportunity to reflect on the wonders of fatherhood.

We asked a trio of RT Edgar Directors and Dads to tell us about how they’ll be spending this Father’s Day and what being a Dad means to them. And we even convinced them to share their most cringe-worthy ‘Dad Joke’!

Jeremy Fox, Corporate Director,
and father to Arabella, Lachie and Harry

“I am planning to spend this Father’s Day with a family celebration at home. Being a father to Arabella, Lachie (who now also works at RT Edgar) and Harry has always given me great pleasure. I have loved watching them grow into young adults, developing a sense of self and becoming self-sufficient and responsible people. It surprises and delights me that the life lessons I have taught them along the way have resonated, things such as business acumen, taking responsibility and being approachable. The best life advice I can give them is to show respect to everyone. I tell them that whether you are ordering a coffee in a café or doing a big business deal, always engage with everyone. I think my kids would say that my most annoying trait is always telling them to get organised.”

Jeremy’s ‘Dad Joke’

Bob and Jim walk into a bar. Bob says, “Hey Donkey, get me a beer." The bartender gets him a beer. Bob says, "Donkey, please get me a hamburger." The bartender gets him a hamburger. Finally, Jim asks the bartender, "Why does he call you Donkey?" The bartender answers, "Hehaw-hehaw-he always calls me that."

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Felix Hakins, Director, Bellarine,
and father to Lottie, 15, Hildie, 9, and Bonnie, 2 months

“This Father’s Day we’re all heading to a local winery with my father and extended family for lunch. Being a father to three daughters is such a privilege. I have an immense sense of pride in my girls and absolutely burst with love when talking about them. My kids truly amaze me with their involvement in day-to-day technology and how beneficial it is. I think they would say the most annoying thing about me is that I do watch a bit too much sport on TV! The best piece of advice I can give them is to always be polite and listen to everyone’s conversations.”

Felix’s ‘Dad Joke’

Did you hear about the pair of baked beans hitchhiking around Australia?
They got stuck in Cairns!!!!


Jim Dimitropoulos, Director, Northside,
and father to Nicholas, 7, and Dennis, 3.

“This Father’s Day I plan to spend some quality time during the day with my wife and the boys, including brunch at our favourite local cafe and a visit to the Zoo, followed by a big family dinner with our immediate family, surrounded by good company, good food and of course good wine! Being a father genuinely means the world to me – the joy and love the boys have brought into our lives is incomparable. The best piece of advice that I could give to my kids is to treat other how they’d like to be treated themselves. As the boys grow, I will tell them to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.”

Jim’s ‘Dad Joke’

Q. "Why do Dad’s take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing?"
A. “In case they get a hole in one!"
