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Corporate Office


10 Wallace Avenue,
Toorak VIC 3142

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For over 125 years, RT Edgar has been an esteemed and trusted name in Victoria's finest real estate. With a vast network of 17 strategically located offices across Metro Melbourne suburbs, coastal regions, country areas, and alpine locations, we have a broad reach in the market.

Our reputation for excellence is built on a proven track record of successfully handling significant real estate transactions and delivering exceptional results. Anchored in principles of integrity, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, RT Edgar has solidified its position as a dependable and reputable partner in the real estate industry. Whether it’s selling, buying, residential projects, or property management, we have proven expertise in delivering successful outcomes.

The RT Edgar corporate office serves as the hub for strategic planning, brand management, and seamless coordination of our offices across multiple regions.

Corporate Team

Jeremy Fox
Director | Auctioneer
Warwick Anderson
Director | Auctioneer
Michael Ebeling
Justine Kantanis
Operations Manager, Licensed Estate Agent
Georgia Turner
Franchise Manager
Libby Ellis
Digital Communications Specialist
Corporate Office

10 Wallace Avenue,
Toorak VIC 3142

03 9826 1000

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A mix of property, variety and expertise, our library of articles provides a wide and varied resource for property
