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Jack Edgar

Director | Auctioneer


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One of the rising young stars, Jack has forged a successful real estate career with a mix of ambition, enthusiasm and hard work. His great grandfather may have founded RT Edgar, but Jack has always been determined to carve his own path.

Most recently he was appointed as a Director in the Stonnington and Portsea offices. As one of RT Edgar’s young leaders, Jack brings a contemporary perspective to guiding the firm’s future and present operations.

Jack is an asset to any sales campaign, delivering a fresh energy to the listing and selling of beautiful homes in Stonnington, Portsea and Sorrento. And when he is not working Jack loves indulging in his passions for cricket, football and skiing.

"Jack Edgar and Jeremy Fox successfully sold our family home this past weekend and, following a thorough campaign and achieved an outstanding result, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending them both to you. Following discussions with several leading agents, I decided to list with Jack and Jeremy because they genuinely seemed to understand what would set my property apart. They gave me a level of confidence that others did not."

- Susie Immurs, South Yarra

"Jack is a very personable young man who is a delight to work with. Jack is being mentored by Jeremy Fox and others and is developing genuine skills and competence. We consider ourselves very fortunate indeed to be dealing with Jeremy Fox, Jack Edgar and RT Edgar and would be very happy to explain our experiences further to anyone requiring more information."

- Warwick and Susanne Forge, Toorak

Stonnington Office

10 Wallace Avenue, Toorak VIC 3142

03 9826 1000