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Real Estate and Property in 5 Kambalda Court, Leopold, VIC
Property leased
Real Estate and Property in 5 Kambalda Court, Leopold, VIC
Property leased
Real Estate and Property in 5 Kambalda Court, Leopold, VIC
Property leased
Real Estate and Property in 5 Kambalda Court, Leopold, VIC
Property leased
Real Estate and Property in 5 Kambalda Court, Leopold, VIC
Property leased
Real Estate and Property in 5 Kambalda Court, Leopold, VIC
Property leased
Real Estate and Property in 5 Kambalda Court, Leopold, VIC
Property leased

5 Kambalda Court, LeopoldVIC

5 Kambalda Court,

A Real Gem - Lovely Location

Leased 02/05/2023 Undisclosed


• Expansive backyard
• Gas heating
• Air-conditioning
• Dishwasher
• Quiet court location

This home offers an open plan design with laminated flooring, gas heating and a reverse cycle air conditioner.
A sliding door provides access to the large concreted BBQ area and the expansive back yard.
There are 3 bedrooms, the main with direct entry to the family bathroom.
The double carport has gates at the rear so you have vehicle access to the backyard.
Located in a quiet court and only a short walk to the school, public transport, sporting facilities and shops.
Don't miss this amazing opportunity enquire today.

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